Research finds issues in clinical productivity due to a lack of investment in technology

Research finds issues in clinical productivity due to a lack of investment in technology

New research from Extreme Networks, entitled Emerging from the COVID Pandemic, conducted in partnership with the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), uncovered that several of the major challenges impacting clinical productivity in healthcare, including staffing, budget shortages and cybersecurity threats, may all be symptoms of a larger underlying issue: insufficient investment in technology, specifically network infrastructure, to support the needs of modern healthcare organisations. The survey polled 100 healthcare executives and IT/tech decision-makers in the US.

“Organisations across the healthcare industry are often facing similar hurdles related to staffing shortages, budget constraints and cybersecurity. But as observed in this survey, some organisations are beginning to prioritise improvements to their network so they can increase security, boost the performance of existing applications and devices as well as more easily add new innovative technologies that make staff more efficient, helping eliminate many of the common issues they are reporting,” said Nicole Ramage, Market Intelligence Manager, HIMSS.

“Healthcare providers were forced to rapidly adopt new technology over the past several years and our research shows that this has seriously exacerbated existing tech debt built up by applying band-aid solutions to networks that were never designed to handle thousands of devices, bandwidth-heavy applications or highly active users,” added Doug McDonald, Director of Extreme Alliance, Extreme Networks.

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